GRP Roofing kits 600g

Item number LC-600RK-30

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 469.34 *
Content 1 piece
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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Explore the Excellence of GRP Roofing Kits 600g - Ideal for Summer or Winter Use!

Looking for the ultimate solution to meet your roofing needs? Look no further than our GRP Roofing Kits 600g - a cost-effective and durable choice designed to withstand the test of time. Whether for residential or commercial buildings, these kits, made of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP), provide a sleek and modern dark grey finish, adding both aesthetic value and security to your property.

@comproofsupplies GRP roofing kits. #grp #fibreglass #diy #roofer ♬ original sound - comproofsupplies


5 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Catalyst 500g 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x Polyester Resin 10kg 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 5kg
10 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Polyester Resin 20kg 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x  Catalyst 500g 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 2 x  Catalyst 100g 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 10kg
15 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Polyester Resin 20kg 1 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x Polyester Resin 10kg 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 10kg
20 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Polyester Resin 20kg 1 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x Polyester Resin 10kg 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 10kg
25 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 2 x Polyester Resin 20kg 1 x  Catalyst 1kg 1 x  Catalyst 500g 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 5kg 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 10kg
30 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 2 x Polyester Resin 20kg 2 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x Polyester Resin 10kg
35 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 3 x Polyester Resin 20kg 3 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm
40 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 3 x Polyester Resin 20kg 2 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 5kg
45 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 3 x Polyester Resin 20kg 2 x  Catalyst 1kg 1 x  Catalyst 500g 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x Polyester Resin 10kg 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 10kg
50 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 4 x Polyester Resin 20kg 3 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 10kg
60 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 2 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 4 x Polyester Resin 20kg 4 x Catalyst 1kg 2 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x Polyester Resin 10kg
70 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 2 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 5 x Polyester Resin 20kg 4 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Catalyst 500g 2 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x Polyester Resin 10kg 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 5kg
80 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 2 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 6 x Polyester Resin 20kg 4 x Catalyst 1kg 1 x Catalyst 500g 2 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 10kg
90 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 1 x Chopped strand - 600g 3 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 7 x Polyester Resin 20kg 5 x Catalyst 1kg 2 x Woven Tape 50mm
100 Metre Squared Fibreglass Kit Content: 2 x Chopped strand - 600g 3 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg 8 x Polyester Resin 20kg 6 x Catalyst 1kg 2 x Woven Tape 50mm 1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 5kg

Key Features of GRP Roofing Kits 600g:

  1. Cost-Effective Durability:
    • Our GRP roof kits boast a low cost without compromising on quality, making them a popular choice for those seeking affordability without sacrificing durability.
  2. Lightweight and Easy Installation:
    • The lightweight nature of GRP materials not only reduces the overall weight on your roof but also minimizes labor costs due to their ease of installation.
  3. Exceptional Security Features:
    • The strength and weather resistance of GRP make it an ideal choice for regions experiencing heavy rain or strong winds, ensuring a safe and secure roof even in extreme weather conditions.
  4. Long-Lasting Solution:
    • Investing in a GRP roof kit is a smart choice for a long-lasting, low-cost, and secure roofing solution. Perfect for new constructions, roof upgrades, or those seeking a reliable roofing alternative.

Why Choose Our GRP Roofing Kits 600g?

  • Select from a range of kit sizes (5m² - 100m²), bundled for convenience.
  • Premium quality materials sourced and manufactured in the UK.
  • Tried and tested over years for superior performance.
  • Each kit contains Base-Coat Resin, Pigmented Iron Grey Topcoat, Catalyst, Fibreglass Matting, and Woven Tape for joint reinforcement.

Q&A for GRP Roofing Kits 600g:

  1. Q: What is the average cost of a GRP Flat Roof Kit 600g covering 20m²?
    • A: The GRP Flat Roof Kit 600g for a 20m² roofing project costs approximately £313.12 excluding VAT.
    • The cost per square meter for the GRP Flat Roof Kit 600g covering a 20m² roofing project can be calculated as follows:Cost per m2= Total Cost Roof Area Cost per m2= £313.1220 m2 Cost per m2= £15.66 (approximately, excluding VAT) Therefore, the cost per square meter for the GRP Flat Roof Kit 600g is approximately £15.66 (excluding VAT).
  2. Q: Are GRP roof kits suitable for winter use?
    • A: Yes, GRP roof kits are versatile and can be used effectively during both summer and winter.
  3. Q: What is the coverage guide for CRS Roofing Resin Base-coat in the kit?
    • A: The guide coverage for CRS Roofing Resin Base-coat is approximately 1.5kg per/m².
  4. Q: Is additional woven tape and resin required, and can they be purchased separately?
    • A: Yes, additional woven tape and resin may be needed, and they can be purchased separately.
  5. Q: Do your GRP kits come with a guarantee regarding the correct volumes of materials?
    • A: Yes, we offer a 100% guarantee that our kits contain the correct volumes of materials, with an additional 5-10% extra for your peace of mind. (Please note we do not cover errors during the installation or Mis calculations when ordering the roof kit size)

Secure, durable, and long-lasting - enhance your roofing projects with our GRP Roofing Kits 600g, the epitome of quality and reliability. Order your kit today and experience the difference!

Watch videos on how to fibreglass a roof

  • GRP components which are engineered to be used together.
  • Materials quality assured.
  • Low styrene emission resins.
  • UV resistant to extreme sunlight.
  • The GRP laminate is fully resistant to wind uplift
  • Anti slip resistant finish available ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Easy fit suitable for Trade & DIY use
  • ​​​​​​​Polyester Roofing Resin & Topcoat
  • ​​​​​​​600g/m² Fibreglass matting.
  • ​​​​​​​50m by 75mm woven tape to bandage your trims to the deck.

Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days

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