Liquid Flat Roof Sealant Black 10kg TekCryl

Item number CR-B-10-ama

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 60.37 *
Content 10 kilogram
Unit price GBP 6.04 / kilogram
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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Liquid Flat Roof Sealant Black 10kg

If you are looking for a Flat Roof Sealant look no further than TekCryl

Flat roofs are often subjected to harsh weather conditions and require regular maintenance to ensure they remain watertight. Flat Roof Sealant and Bitumen Roof Sealant CrylicRoof in Black is a product that has been specifically designed for flat roof repairs. Suitable for use on a variety of surfaces, including GRP, felt, Bitumen, and metal

Benefits of Using Black 10kg Liquid Flat Roof Sealant (with fibres) TekCryl

  1. Prevents Water Intrusion: Sealant acts as a barrier against rainwater, snowmelt, and moisture infiltration, protecting your roof from leaks and potential structural damage.

  2. Extends Roof Life: By shielding the roof from weather elements, sealant helps extend its lifespan, reducing the need for premature repairs or replacements.

  3. Maintains Structural Integrity: Proper sealant application maintains the structural integrity of the roof, preventing cracks and deterioration that can lead to costly repairs.

  4. Protects Against Moisture Damage: Sealant protects underlying materials from moisture damage, preventing mold growth, rot, and deterioration of the roofing system.

  5. Improves Energy Efficiency: A properly sealed roof helps maintain a comfortable indoor climate, reducing heating and cooling costs.

The coverage of these products is between 1 to 2kg per square meter, depending on the surface. Smooth surfaces require less material, making these products a cost-effective solution for sealing flat roof repairs. A single 10kg tin of CrylicRoof can cover approximately 2.5 to 5 square meters.



Applying Liquid Flat Roof Sealant Black 10kg TekCryl

Proper application is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of flat roof sealant. Here are essential steps to follow:

  1. Clean and Prepare the Surface: Thoroughly clean the area to be sealed, removing dirt, debris, and any loose or deteriorated material.

  2. Mix the Sealant: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing and applying the sealant. Ensure even coverage and adequate thickness.

  3. Smooth and Finish: Use a Brush or roller to smooth out the sealant and achieve a uniform finish.

  4. Allow Curing: Allow the sealant to cure completely according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

TekCryl repair liquid has been formulated to provide optimal flexibility and durability, ensuring that it can withstand the harsh weather conditions that flat roofs are often subjected to. It comes in three colors and benefits from a high dry film build due to its low VOC content. The low odor and VOC emissions make it a safer option for both the environment and the people using it.

Liquid Flat Roof Sealant Black 10kg uses & benefits:

A versatile and effective sealant that offers long-lasting protection for your flat roof.

Flat Roof Sealant Black 10kg Liquid Flat Roof Sealant (with fibres)

Designed to seal cracks, seams, and penetrations on flat roofs, preventing water damage and extending the lifespan of your roof.

Black 10kg Liquid Flat Roof Sealant (with fibres) Crack Sealer

Effectively fills and seals cracks in flat roofs, preventing water from seeping through and causing leaks.

Seam Sealer

Seals joints and seams on flat roofs, preventing water from infiltrating and damaging the underlying structure.

Black 10kg Liquid Flat Roof Sealant (with fibres).Penetration Sealer

Protects penetrations, such as pipes, vents, and flashing, from water intrusion and moisture damage.

Flashing Sealer

Provides a watertight seal around flashings, ensuring that water is diverted away from the roof membrane.

Roof Repair

A crucial component of maintaining a healthy and protected flat roof, extending its lifespan and preventing costly repairs.

Waterproofing Sealant

Form a strong, durable barrier against water infiltration, keeping your roof dry and protected.

UV-Resistant Sealant

Ensuring long-lasting protection from the sun's harmful UV rays, preventing cracking and premature degradation.

By regularly applying black liquid roof seal paint, you can effectively protect your flat roof from water damage, extend its lifespan, and maintain the integrity of your home.

The TekCrylcoatings are a low-odor, low-VOC, solvent-based acrylic resin system designed to waterproof various roofing surfaces. They are cold-applied and provide instant shower protection. The fiber-reinforced material is ideal for gap filling and is unaffected by temperature changes.

The product can be applied to various surfaces, including flat and pitched roofs, bituminous surfaces, gutters, brickwork, asbestos, concrete, metal, and fiberglass surfaces. However, it is not suitable for walkways or balconies and should not be used on PVC or timber surfaces or for internal use.

Before application, it is essential to prepare the working surface by ensuring it is clean, dry, and free from loose debris. Any areas showing signs of fungicidal growth should be treated with a fungicidal wash before applying TekCryl The product can be applied using a brush or roller at a rate of 1-2 kg per m2. It can also be applied to damp surfaces, making it ideal for emergency repairs.

In conclusion, Flat Roof Sealant and bitumen roof sealant TekCryl Black are essential products for flat roof repairs. Their cost-effective and durable properties make them ideal for both professional roofers and DIY enthusiasts. They can be applied to a variety of surfaces, providing instant protection against harsh weather conditions. Before applying, make sure to follow the preparation and application instructions to ensure optimal results.

Black 10kg Liquid Flat Roof Sealant (with fibres) 5 YR Warranty Use in damp conditions Instant showerproof


5 YR Warranty Use in damp conditions Instant showerproof

Technical Data 

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Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

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Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

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