Liquid Roofing Kits EverGreen Hybrid GRP

Item number EGH-LFS-35M

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 767.33 *
Content 1 kit
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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Liquid Roofing Kits EverGreen Hybrid GRP Ideal for Summer or Winter Use!

Elevate Your Roofing Projects with Next-Gen Technology: Liquid Roofing Kits by EverGreen Hybrid 

For smooth surfaces such as New OSB TnG, Old GRP Surfaces, Metal, Ply, Painted Felt,(already smooth) and more.

Available in Colour: Grey Ral 7011

Refer to the coverage guide 

Liquid Roofing Kits: Item bundle content: 5m2

  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer
  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg
  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Membrane10kg
  • 2 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 6.6m2
  • 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g

Liquid Roofing Kits: Item bundle content: 10m2

  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer
  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg
  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg
  • 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g
  • 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 10m2

Liquid Roofing Kits: Item bundle content: 15m2

  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer
  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg
  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 10kg
  • 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg
  • 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g
  • 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 16.6m2

Item bundle content: 20m2 1 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 10kg 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 2 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 20m2

Item bundle content:30m2 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 10kg 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 2 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 33.3 m2

Item bundle content: 35m2 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 3 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 36.3m2

Item bundle content: 40m2 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 3 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 43.3m2

Item bundle content: 45m2 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 10kg 3 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 3 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 45m2

Item bundle content: 50m2 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 3 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 4 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 50m2

Item bundle content: 60m2 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 2 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 10kg 4 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 60m2

Item bundle content: 80m2 1 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 4 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 4 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 6 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 83.3m2

Item bundle content: 100m2 2 x Woven Tape 50mm wide 175g 4 x EverGreen Hybrid Primer 4 x EverGreen Hybrid Hardener 1kg 1 x EverGreen Hybrid 10kg 7 x EverGreen Hybrid 20kg 1 x Fibre Rolls- 300g 110m2

Introducing our Evergreen Hybrid Membrane by Composite Roof Supplies – a revolutionary advancement in GRP technology designed to streamline application processes and accelerate working time on both existing and new roof surfaces. Evergreen Hybrid Membrane eliminates the complexities associated with traditional GRP systems, such as the need for separate resin and topcoat applications, providing a flexible solution that mitigates issues like flaking and cracking commonly associated with weather-induced expansion and contraction.

Focus on the Benefits of using our Liquid Roofing Kits:

  • Unmatched Performance: Experience superior waterproofing, fire resistance, and durability with the innovative EverGreen Hybrid Membrane.
  • Sustainable Roofing: Reduce your environmental impact with a lightweight, GRP membrane and efficient water management system. (NO NEED TO REMOVE OLD MEMBRANE
  • Effortless Installation: Enjoy a user-friendly, modular design suitable for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike.
  • Transform Your Rooftop: Create a stunning GRP fibreglass ready for Roof sky garden or green roof, enhancing aesthetics, energy efficiency, and community well-being.

Liquid Roofing System Key Features:

  • Heavy-Duty Performance: Waterproof existing roofs without removal, backed by a 25-year Materials Guarantee.
  • Single High-Performance Resin: Simplify application with a wet-on-wet system and eliminate separate base and topcoats.
  • Cold-Applied Safety: Avoid risks associated with hot works and open flames.
  • Versatile Application: Works on various surfaces like felt, wood, concrete, and asphalt.
  • Quick Cure Times: Customise application based on weather conditions.
  • Seamless Compatibility: Ensures optimal performance with EverGreen Hybrid branded ancillaries.

Invest in the future of roofing with the EverGreen Hybrid Liquid Roofing Kit. Contact us to learn more and unlock the potential of your rooftop.


Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days

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