Liquid Roof Kits TEKPUR SP

Item number TPCRS7.5

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 190.65 *
Content 1 kit
Unit price GBP 190.65 / kit
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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TekPur SP Liquid Roof Kit (Smooth surfaces)

Transform Your Roof with a Seamless, Durable Membrane

TekPur SP is a premium liquid roofing kit designed to create a seamless, waterproof membrane on both interior and exterior surfaces. This versatile product is ideal for repairs, overlays, and waterproofing projects, offering a durable and long-lasting solution for various roofing needs.

Data Sheets

Technical Data 

Safety Data


  • TekPur SP
  • Primer
  • 50mm Brushes

Key Features:

  • Superior UV and Weather Resistance: Protects against the elements, ensuring a long-lasting lifespan.
  • Cold Applied: Easy to apply at ambient temperatures without special equipment.
  • Single Coat Application: Efficient and time-saving, requiring just one coat for effective coverage.
  • Fast Curing and Bubble-Free: Provides a quick-drying, smooth finish without imperfections.
  • Versatile Adhesion: Adheres to a wide range of substrates, including EPDM membranes, single-ply roofing systems, cementitious surfaces, and more.

Product Details:

  • Color: Grey (RAL 7040)
  • Size: Available in 6kg containers
  • Coverage: Approximately 2kg per square meter
  • Working Time: Around 1 hour after application
  • Usage: Ready-to-use, cold-applied for both external and internal applications  


  • Exceptional Waterproofing: Protects against leaks and water damage.
  • Durability: Resists harsh weather conditions and foot traffic.
  • Flexibility: Adaptable to various roof shapes and sizes.
  • Cost-Effective: Offers a long-term investment with minimal maintenance.


  • Flat Roofs: Ideal for both residential and commercial flat roofs.
  • Green Roofs: Supports sustainable roofing practices.
  • Roof Repairs: A reliable solution for repairing leaks and damage.

Recommended Applications:

  • Waterproofing: Flat and sloped roofs, bridges, ramps, carparks, and roadways.
  • Surface Protection: Protects surfaces from water and environmental damage.

Surface Guide:

  • Recommended Surfaces: OSB3 T&G boards, asphalt, bitumen, felt roofs, EPDM membranes, single-ply membranes, GRP/fibreglass surfaces, gypsum/cement boards, concrete roofs, cement fibre & metal roof sheets, plastisol-coated metal, PIR insulation boards.
  • Primer Requirement: Always use an appropriate primer (TekPrime SD or TekPrime PVC) before applying TekPur SP.
  • Surface Limitations: Not suitable for unsound surfaces, swimming pools with chemically treated water, or fishponds.

Surface Preparation:

  1. Cleaning: Remove dirt, grease, oil, wax, and loose particles.
  2. Repairs: Fill cracks, splits, or blisters with a suitable filler.
  3. Drying: Ensure all surfaces are completely dry.
  4. Priming: Apply TekPrime SD or TekPrime PVC primer.

Application Process:

  1. Mixing: Thoroughly mix the product using a low-speed mixer.
  2. Detailing: Complete any detailing or perimeter work.
  3. Application: Apply using a roller, brush, or squeegee in one or two coats.
  4. Recoating: If applying more than one coat, ensure the next coat is applied within 48 hours.


  • Comes with a 10-year material guarantee for long-lasting durability and performance.

Order Your TekPur SP Liquid Roof Kit Today

Protect your roof and enjoy peace of mind with TekPur SP. Contact us for more information or to place your order.

Data Sheets

Technical Data 

Safety Data

Product Specifications

Interior/Exterior Use

  • Suitable for both interior and exterior applications.

Recommended Surfaces

  • Concrete
  • Tarmac
  • Asphalt
  • Ramps
  • Bridges
  • Roofs
  • Balconies

Application Methods

  • Brush
  • Roller
  • Squeegee

Pack Type

  • Single-component (1K) system

Available Pack Sizes

  • 6kg
  • 15kg
  • 25kg

Drying & Curing Times (at 20°C)

  • Recoat Time: 6 to 18 hours
  • Full Cure: Approximately 48 hours
  • Walk-on Time: Ready for foot traffic in approximately 6 hours

Working Time (at 20°C)

  • Approx. 60 minutes

Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days

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