Shed Rubber Roof Kit 8'x6'

Item number skyguard-2.8m x 2.2m

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 108.61 *
Content 1 piece
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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Shed Rubber Roof Kit – The Ultimate Solution for Leaky Roofs

The Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit is a long-lasting, modern alternative to traditional roofing felt, designed to keep your shed protected from leaks and weather damage for decades. Supplied in a single, pre-joined sheet, this roofing system is easy to install, durable, and perfect for sheds, outbuildings, and garden structures. With minimal maintenance required and a lifespan exceeding 50 years, it’s the ideal choice for shed owners seeking a reliable and attractive roofing solution.

What’s Included in the Kit?

  • 1.0mm Skyguard EPDM Membrane: Pre-cut to the size of your chosen roof kit. Size of membrane is: 2.8m x 2.2m
  • Water-Based Deck Adhesive: Ensures strong bonding to your roof deck.
  • Bond and Seal Mastic: Secures edges for a clean, watertight finish.
  • Roller: Included for easy application.

Typical 8' x 6' Shed area in meters is approximately:

  • Width: 8 feet × 0.3048 = 2.44 meters
  • Length: 6 feet × 0.3048 = 1.83 meters
@comproofsupplies EPDM rubber roofing. Is it worth it? #roofing #construction #toolsofthetrade #roofers #roofer #EPDM ♬ original sound - comproofsupplies

Weatherproof and Leak-Proof

Say goodbye to leaky roofs with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit! Unlike traditional roofing materials, the EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and blister-free, ensuring superior weather resistance. The membrane fully bonds to your roof deck and remains flexible throughout its lifetime, providing robust protection against the elements.

Effortless Installation

The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed with simplicity in mind, making it ideal for homeowners and DIY enthusiasts. Its single-piece construction eliminates the need for onsite joining, significantly reducing installation time and complexity. Whether you’re experienced or new to DIY, this kit ensures a hassle-free process.

Unmatched Durability and Peace of Mind

With a 50+ year life expectancy and a 20-year warranty, the Skyguard EPDM roof system delivers unparalleled durability and reliability. Protect your sheds, garden studios, log cabins, and summer houses with confidence, knowing this premium roofing solution has you covered for the long haul.

Why Choose Skyguard?

  • Over 50-Year Lifespan
  • Maintenance-Free Performance
  • Fast and Simple Installation
  • Tear, Split, and Crack-Resistant
  • Lightweight and Clean Design
  • Pre-Cut in One Convenient Sheet
  • Sleek, Attractive Finish

Transform your shed with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit and enjoy a long-term, worry-free solution to leaky roofs. Designed for performance and ease, it’s the ultimate upgrade for any outbuilding.

A shed rubber roof kit is an all-in-one solution designed to provide a durable, weather-resistant covering for shed roofs. These kits typically include EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) rubber membranes, adhesives, and necessary accessories for installation. EPDM is favored for its longevity, flexibility, and resistance to UV radiation and extreme temperatures, making it a superior alternative to traditional roofing materials like felt.

Benefits of Using a Rubber Roof Kit for Your Shed:

  • Durability: EPDM membranes can last up to 50 years with minimal maintenance.

  • Weather Resistance: They offer excellent protection against rain, snow, and UV rays.

  • Ease of Installation: Many kits are designed for DIY installation, with materials pre-measured to fit standard shed sizes.

  • Low Maintenance: Once installed, EPDM roofs require little upkeep compared to traditional materials.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How do I know the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit is the right size for my shed?
A: Measure the length and width of your shed roof, then select a kit size that covers the entire area with a little extra to allow for proper bonding at the edges. For example, an 8' x 6' shed would need a kit that fits approximately 2.44 meters x 1.83 meters.

Q2: Can I install the Skyguard roof kit if I have never done any DIY projects before?
A: Yes! The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed for easy installation, even for beginners. The pre-joined single sheet and included instructions make the process straightforward and hassle-free.

Q3: What tools do I need to install the Skyguard EPDM roof kit?
A: The kit includes most of what you need: the EPDM membrane, adhesive, bond and seal mastic, and a roller. You’ll also need basic tools like a utility knife, a brush or broom to clean the roof deck, and potentially a ladder to access the roof safely.

Q4: How long will it take to install the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof?
A: Installation typically takes a few hours, depending on the size of your shed and your level of experience. The single-piece membrane speeds up the process by eliminating the need for onsite joining.

Q5: Is the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit suitable for extreme weather conditions?
A: Absolutely! The EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and remains flexible in both hot and cold temperatures. It’s an excellent choice for sheds in regions with harsh weather conditions.

Data Sheets 

How to measure for an EPDM SHED 

Instruction guide 

Bonding datasheet

SkyGuard Brochure


Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days

{ "@context":"", "@id": "", "@type":"FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{"@type":"Question","name":"How long for delivery?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days \ufeff"}}] }

Weatherproof and Leak-Proof

Say goodbye to leaky roofs with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit! Unlike traditional roofing materials, the EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and blister-free, ensuring superior weather resistance. The membrane fully bonds to your roof deck and remains flexible throughout its lifetime, providing robust protection against the elements.

Effortless Installation

The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed with simplicity in mind, making it ideal for homeowners and DIY enthusiasts. Its single-piece construction eliminates the need for onsite joining, significantly reducing installation time and complexity. Whether you’re experienced or new to DIY, this kit ensures a hassle-free process.

Unmatched Durability and Peace of Mind

With a 50+ year life expectancy and a 20-year warranty, the Skyguard EPDM roof system delivers unparalleled durability and reliability. Protect your sheds, garden studios, log cabins, and summer houses with confidence, knowing this premium roofing solution has you covered for the long haul.

Why Choose Skyguard?

Transform your shed with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit and enjoy a long-term, worry-free solution to leaky roofs. Designed for performance and ease, it’s the ultimate upgrade for any outbuilding.

A shed rubber roof kit is an all-in-one solution designed to provide a durable, weather-resistant covering for shed roofs. These kits typically include EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) rubber membranes, adhesives, and necessary accessories for installation. EPDM is favored for its longevity, flexibility, and resistance to UV radiation and extreme temperatures, making it a superior alternative to traditional roofing materials like felt.

Benefits of Using a Rubber Roof Kit for Your Shed:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How do I know the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit is the right size for my shed?
A: Measure the length and width of your shed roof, then select a kit size that covers the entire area with a little extra to allow for proper bonding at the edges. For example, an 8' x 6' shed would need a kit that fits approximately 2.44 meters x 1.83 meters.

Q2: Can I install the Skyguard roof kit if I have never done any DIY projects before?
A: Yes! The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed for easy installation, even for beginners. The pre-joined single sheet and included instructions make the process straightforward and hassle-free.

Q3: What tools do I need to install the Skyguard EPDM roof kit?
A: The kit includes most of what you need: the EPDM membrane, adhesive, bond and seal mastic, and a roller. You’ll also need basic tools like a utility knife, a brush or broom to clean the roof deck, and potentially a ladder to access the roof safely.

Q4: How long will it take to install the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof?
A: Installation typically takes a few hours, depending on the size of your shed and your level of experience. The single-piece membrane speeds up the process by eliminating the need for onsite joining.

Q5: Is the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit suitable for extreme weather conditions?
A: Absolutely! The EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and remains flexible in both hot and cold temperatures. It’s an excellent choice for sheds in regions with harsh weather conditions.

Data Sheets 

How to measure for an EPDM SHED 

Instruction guide 

Bonding datasheet

SkyGuard Brochure


Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days 

{ "@context":"", "@id": "", "@type":"FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{"@type":"Question","name":"How long for delivery?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days \ufeff"}}] }

Weatherproof and Leak-Proof


Say goodbye to leaky roofs with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit! Unlike traditional roofing materials, the EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and blister-free, ensuring superior weather resistance. The membrane fully bonds to your roof deck and remains flexible throughout its lifetime, providing robust protection against the elements.


Effortless Installation


The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed with simplicity in mind, making it ideal for homeowners and DIY enthusiasts. Its single-piece construction eliminates the need for onsite joining, significantly reducing installation time and complexity. Whether you’re experienced or new to DIY, this kit ensures a hassle-free process.


Unmatched Durability and Peace of Mind


With a 50+ year life expectancy and a 20-year warranty, the Skyguard EPDM roof system delivers unparalleled durability and reliability. Protect your sheds, garden studios, log cabins, and summer houses with confidence, knowing this premium roofing solution has you covered for the long haul.


Why Choose Skyguard?


Transform your shed with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit and enjoy a long-term, worry-free solution to leaky roofs. Designed for performance and ease, it’s the ultimate upgrade for any outbuilding.


A shed rubber roof kit is an all-in-one solution designed to provide a durable, weather-resistant covering for shed roofs. These kits typically include EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) rubber membranes, adhesives, and necessary accessories for installation. EPDM is favored for its longevity, flexibility, and resistance to UV radiation and extreme temperatures, making it a superior alternative to traditional roofing materials like felt.


Benefits of Using a Rubber Roof Kit for Your Shed:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q1: How do I know the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit is the right size for my shed?
A: Measure the length and width of your shed roof, then select a kit size that covers the entire area with a little extra to allow for proper bonding at the edges. For example, an 8' x 6' shed would need a kit that fits approximately 2.44 meters x 1.83 meters.


Q2: Can I install the Skyguard roof kit if I have never done any DIY projects before?
A: Yes! The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed for easy installation, even for beginners. The pre-joined single sheet and included instructions make the process straightforward and hassle-free.


Q3: What tools do I need to install the Skyguard EPDM roof kit?
A: The kit includes most of what you need: the EPDM membrane, adhesive, bond and seal mastic, and a roller. You’ll also need basic tools like a utility knife, a brush or broom to clean the roof deck, and potentially a ladder to access the roof safely.


Q4: How long will it take to install the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof?
A: Installation typically takes a few hours, depending on the size of your shed and your level of experience. The single-piece membrane speeds up the process by eliminating the need for onsite joining.


Q5: Is the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit suitable for extreme weather conditions?
A: Absolutely! The EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and remains flexible in both hot and cold temperatures. It’s an excellent choice for sheds in regions with harsh weather conditions.


Data Sheets 


How to measure for an EPDM SHED 


Instruction guide 


Bonding datasheet


SkyGuard Brochure




Data Sheets 


How to measure for an EPDM SHED 


Instruction guide 


Bonding datasheet


SkyGuard Brochure







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Shed Rubber Roof Kit – The Ultimate Solution for Leaky Roofs


The Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit is a long-lasting, modern alternative to traditional roofing felt, designed to keep your shed protected from leaks and weather damage for decades. Supplied in a single, pre-joined sheet, this roofing system is easy to install, durable, and perfect for sheds, outbuildings, and garden structures. With minimal maintenance required and a lifespan exceeding 50 years, it’s the ideal choice for shed owners seeking a reliable and attractive roofing solution.


What’s Included in the Kit?


Typical 8' x 6' Shed area in meters is approximately:

@comproofsupplies EPDM rubber roofing. Is it worth it? #roofing #construction #toolsofthetrade #roofers #roofer #EPDM ♬ original sound - comproofsupplies

Weatherproof and Leak-Proof


Say goodbye to leaky roofs with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit! Unlike traditional roofing materials, the EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and blister-free, ensuring superior weather resistance. The membrane fully bonds to your roof deck and remains flexible throughout its lifetime, providing robust protection against the elements.


Effortless Installation


The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed with simplicity in mind, making it ideal for homeowners and DIY enthusiasts. Its single-piece construction eliminates the need for onsite joining, significantly reducing installation time and complexity. Whether you’re experienced or new to DIY, this kit ensures a hassle-free process.


Unmatched Durability and Peace of Mind


With a 50+ year life expectancy and a 20-year warranty, the Skyguard EPDM roof system delivers unparalleled durability and reliability. Protect your sheds, garden studios, log cabins, and summer houses with confidence, knowing this premium roofing solution has you covered for the long haul.


Why Choose Skyguard?


Transform your shed with the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit and enjoy a long-term, worry-free solution to leaky roofs. Designed for performance and ease, it’s the ultimate upgrade for any outbuilding.


A shed rubber roof kit is an all-in-one solution designed to provide a durable, weather-resistant covering for shed roofs. These kits typically include EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) rubber membranes, adhesives, and necessary accessories for installation. EPDM is favored for its longevity, flexibility, and resistance to UV radiation and extreme temperatures, making it a superior alternative to traditional roofing materials like felt.


Benefits of Using a Rubber Roof Kit for Your Shed:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q1: How do I know the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit is the right size for my shed?
A: Measure the length and width of your shed roof, then select a kit size that covers the entire area with a little extra to allow for proper bonding at the edges. For example, an 8' x 6' shed would need a kit that fits approximately 2.44 meters x 1.83 meters.


Q2: Can I install the Skyguard roof kit if I have never done any DIY projects before?
A: Yes! The Skyguard EPDM roof kit is designed for easy installation, even for beginners. The pre-joined single sheet and included instructions make the process straightforward and hassle-free.


Q3: What tools do I need to install the Skyguard EPDM roof kit?
A: The kit includes most of what you need: the EPDM membrane, adhesive, bond and seal mastic, and a roller. You’ll also need basic tools like a utility knife, a brush or broom to clean the roof deck, and potentially a ladder to access the roof safely.


Q4: How long will it take to install the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof?
A: Installation typically takes a few hours, depending on the size of your shed and your level of experience. The single-piece membrane speeds up the process by eliminating the need for onsite joining.


Q5: Is the Skyguard EPDM rubber roof kit suitable for extreme weather conditions?
A: Absolutely! The EPDM membrane is UV-resistant, tear-proof, and remains flexible in both hot and cold temperatures. It’s an excellent choice for sheds in regions with harsh weather conditions.


Data Sheets 


How to measure for an EPDM SHED 


Instruction guide 


Bonding datasheet


SkyGuard Brochure




Data Sheets 


How to measure for an EPDM SHED 


Instruction guide 


Bonding datasheet


SkyGuard Brochure







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Best shed roof sealants: How to seal a leaky shed roof with a long term solution:


Prevent water damage and extend the life of your shed with TekPur SP. This powerful sealant provides a reliable and effective solution for sealing leaky shed roofs.



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