GRP Roofing Kits ResiRoof®

Item number RR-450RK.40

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 567.52 *
Content 1 kit
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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GRP Roofing Kits: The Ultimate Solution for Your Flat Roof Ideal for Summer or Winter Use!

GRP Roofing Kits are available in sizes from 5m² to 100m², providing the ideal kit for projects of any scale. Your ResiRoof® GRP Roof Kit Includes:

  • ResiRoof GRP Roofing Resin Base-coat: A robust foundation for lasting protection.
  • ResiRoof GRP Roofing Topcoat Ral 7011: Premium Pigmented Iron Grey Topcoat for a sleek finish.
  • ResiRoof GRP Roofing Catalyst: Includes a measuring cup for precise application.
  • ResiRoof Acetone Cleaner (5 liters): Ensures a clean and smooth application process.
  • 450g/m² GRP Fiberglass CSM: High-quality fiberglass for superior strength.
  • 75mm Woven Tape: Joint reinforcement for added stability.

Here are 3 Key benefits of GRP roofing

Low Maintenance: GRP roofs require minimal maintenance, which can save you time and money in the long run. 

Image of Durable GRP roof

Low Maintenance: GRP roofs require minimal maintenance, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Image of Watertight GRP roof

Watertightness: GRP roofs are seamless, which means there are no joints or seams where water can penetrate. This makes them highly watertight and protects your property from leaks and water damage.

Image of Low maintenance GRP roof

How to fibreglass a roof: Master the art of GRP Roofing with our easy to follow video Support 


Overall, GRP roofing offers a durable, watertight, and low-maintenance solution for your roofing needs. They are a great choice for both residential and commercial properties.

Standard GRP Roofing Kits:

These are our most popular kits, designed for standard flat roof applications. They come in various sizes to suit different roof dimensions.

Bespoke GRP Roofing Kits:

For unique roof shapes or specific project requirements, we offer bespoke GRP roofing kits. These kits are custom-designed to fit your exact needs.

High-Quality GRP Roofing Kits:

All our GRP roofing kits are made from high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity. We prioritize quality to deliver exceptional performance and customer satisfaction.

Why Opt for ResiRoof® GRP Roofing Kits?

  1. Convenience and Efficiency: Bid farewell to the complexities of material calculations. Our grp fibreglass flat roofing kits are meticulously bundled, simplifying the selection process. Choose your desired size, and we handle the rest.
  2. Premium Quality Materials: Proudly sourced and manufactured in the UK, ResiRoof® fibreglass roofing kits feature virgin grade Base-Coat Resin, Pigmented Iron Grey Topcoat, Mekp Catalyst with a convenient measuring cup, GRP Fibreglass Matting, and Woven Tape for joint reinforcement.
  3. Proven Durability: Rigorously tested over numerous years, our fibreglass roofing kit g 450  are engineered to surpass other flat roofing membranes. Rely on ResiRoof® for a roofing solution that endures the test of time.

Important Information:

  • Designed for OSB with Tongue & Groove Edge: Crafted specifically for use on Oriented Stranded Board.
  • Woven Bandage for Perimeter Edges: Included for use around perimeter edges where trims meet the roof decking.
  • Compatibility with Different Decking Materials: Additional Woven and Resin may be required for HDF or PLY, ensuring adaptability to various decking materials.

Choose ResiRoof® GRP Roofing Kits for a hassle-free, durable, and top-quality flat roofing solution. Elevate your roofing projects with the reliability and performance of ResiRoof® GRP today!

ResiRoof® Fibreglass Roofing Kit (450g) - Technical Data

  1. Base-Coat Resin:

    • Type: Virgin Grade
    • Application: Roofing Base-coat
    • Weight: [1.25kg per/m2 ]
  2. Topcoat Ral 7011:

    • Type: Premium Pigmented Iron Grey
    • Application: Roofing Topcoat
    • Coverage: [0.5-0.6kg/m2]
  3. GRP Roofing Catalyst:

    • Type: Mekp Catalyst
    • Measurement: Includes Measuring Cup
    • Mixing Ratio: [1-2% per kg ]
  4. Acetone Cleaner:

    • Volume: 5 Liters
    • Application: Surface preparation and cleaning
    • Compatibility: Suitable for use with fibreglass materials
  5. Fiberglass CSM (Chopped Strand Mat):

    • Weight: 450g/m²
    • Type: Woven fiberglass mat
    • Strength: High tensile strength for enhanced durability
  6. Woven Tape:

    • Width: 75mm
    • Application: Joint reinforcement
    • Material: High-quality woven fabric for added stability
  7. Compatibility:

    • Recommended Substrate: Oriented Stranded Board (OSB) with Tongue & Groove Edge
    • Additional Materials: Woven Bandage recommended for perimeter edges on different substrates (e.g., HDF or PLY)
  8. Application Temperature:

    • Ideal Application Temperature: [Specify temperature range for optimal application]
  9. Testing and Certification:

    • Tested Over Years: Proven durability through extensive testing
    • Manufactured in the UK: Complies with industry standards
  10. Storage and Shelf Life:

    • Store in a cool, dry place
    • Shelf Life: [6 months unopened
  11. Usage Guidelines:

    • Follow ResiRoof® Application Guide for best results
    • Use appropriate safety equipment during application

Note: The provided technical data is a general outline. For specific details, always refer to the ResiRoof® Fibreglass Roofing Kit documentation and guidelines.

Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days

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