GRP Roof Surface Restoration Kit

Item number TG020FFR-RK

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 288.59 *
Content 25,5 kilogram
Unit price GBP 11.10 / kilogram
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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GRP Roof Surface Restoration Kit (ULTRA FLEXI)

Looking for a flexible and durable solution to repair your GRP roof? TekGuard All Over One Coat Flexible

All-in-one solution that provides both the base coat and topcoat in a single application. You can complete your repair quickly and efficiently using our GRP Roof Restoration Kit, with no need for multiple repair coats or extensive preparation.

Whats included in the GRP Roof Restoration Kit

1 x Disposable gloves 50 pairs

1 x TekGuard FLEXI-GRP Primer 5kg

1 x TekGuard FLEXI-GRP Catalyst/Hardener 1kg

1 x TekGuard FLEXI-GRP Resin

1 x Bucket 5.6 litre

1 x Push Fit Roller Arm 150mm (6")

1 x Roller Fluffy Refill 150mm

1 x Plastic Handle Laminating Brush 50mm

KoverTek’s TekGuard is an evolution in GRP technology designed to simplify the application process and speed up working time both on existing and new roof surfaces * TekGuard is a system that eliminates the need for using separate GRP resin and Topcoat as well as other liquid products. TekGuard is a flexible system that eliminates flaking and cracking GRP roofs that shrink and expand with weather cycles that often produces unsightly and noisy roofs if installed incorrectly.

TekGuard has the latest Fire certification Fire rating BS 476 part 3/ CEN/TS EN 1187-4 BS 476 part 3 test:- EXT.F.AA; EN 1187 test 4 – BROOF(t4) tested as a flat roof laid onto OSB3 for real world results when comparing to other products tested.

Designed specifically for roofing applications giving high coverage and universal cure, produced in RAL 7011 for a consistent colour. The product is designed to give high UV resistance and long term weathering. Can be applied with brush/roller or spray (with specialist equipment).

Please Note: This product is supplied as a base only and must be purchased with TekGuard GRP Liquid Catalyst.

Features & Benefits using a GRP Roof Restoration Kit


  • TekGuard is a single high-performance flexible resin without the need for separate base and topcoat and can be used as a wet on wet system
  • Can be applied onto multiple surfaces both new and existing such as Felt, OSB3, GRP, concrete and asphalt
  • Quick application and a range of cure times to suit the environment, saving both time and money for you and your customers
  • Cold applied, no hot works or open flame risks
  • Class beating Fire rating. Tested as a Flat Roofing System applied to OSB3 and has achieved both:
    • BS 476-part 3test:- EXT.F.AA; EN 1187 test 4 – BROOF(t4)
  • Superior ‘wet-out’ of fiberglass reinforcement (CSM)
  • Uses a liquid catalyst system that removes the need for adding other products to speed up or slow down the cure
  • TekGuard/TekShield branded ancillaries means you can carry for use on either the TekGuard or Tekshield systems without having to carry different ancillaries such as Catalysts, CSM, tape etc
  • Reduces the need for full roof replacement where suitable, reducing the environmental impact and cost of waste disposal

Appraising type of installation before using a GRP Roof Restoration Kit

Due to the innovation of the TekGuard FLEXI-GRP system it can be applied to a range of surfaces which means that existing roofs deemed to be sound (see below) can be overlaid with FLEXI-GRP, meaning that a substantial amount of time and cost can be saved by overlaying suitable roofs. Not all roofs will be suitable without remedy first, the guide below details suitability. The FLEXI-GRP system can also be laid onto new OSB3 where the roof deck requires replacement.

Overlaying existing roof – Appraising roof condition

When appraising an existing roof, care must be taken to identify potential defects and points of failure before installation, all defects or points of failure should be remedied before commencing further. It is strongly recommended that core samples are taken to ascertain the existing structure and the condition of the underlying substrate as this forms part of the guarantee.

Where roofs are completely sodden or saturated it would be recommended that the affected areas are removed and replaced with suitable materials to make the roof sound. When an area is defective through decay or wear it must be cut out and repaired to form a solid surface for the application of FLEXI-GRP. Please refer to the separate guide on the preparation of different surface materials that are in common use.

Please remember to read through the guide fully on the suitability of surfaces that can be overlaid, FLEXI-GRP has been designed to perform on a range of roofing materials however due to a wide variety of seemingly similar materials that vary in manufacture and quality, it is recommended that a small area is tested for the strength of bond before commencing the main body of work.

Part of the appraisal should take into account the existing detailing such as upstands, drip trims and outlets, these will form part of the overall system and need to be in suitable condition to avoid a system failure, any redundant or failed details need to be either removed or replaced prior to application.


GRP Roofing Kits overlay


GRP Roof Restoration Kit




Special Features: 

  • Fire Rated to BS.476 Pt3 – F.A.A

Complete Resin Roofing System, creating a flexible membrane on a variety of surfaces.

• 15-year (300g CSM), 20-year (450g CSM) or 25-year (600g CSM) Material Guarantee when installed correctly, please contact us for further details of the guarantee conditions.

• Single high-performance flexible resin used both as base and topcoat wet-on-wet application

• Can be applied to multiple surfaces for existing and new surfaces such as mineral felt, single ply, GRP, concrete, OSB3, asphalt

• Quick application and cure times

• Cold applied, no hot works or open flame risks

• Class beating Fire rating Tested as a Flat Roofing System applied to OSB3 and has achieved both: BS 476-part 3 test:- EXT.F.AA; EN 1187 test 4 – BROOF(t4)

• Superior ‘wet-out’ of resin with fiberglass reinforcement (CSM).

Whether it’s a small or large flat roof, a refurbishment or a new build, our FLEXI-GRP system is the perfect choice for you.


Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days

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