Item number Kit1073

Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
GBP 1,024.11 *
Content 1 piece
*Trim related items are subject to a small surcharge
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GRP Flat Roof kit with Tools 5m² 10m² 15m² 20m² 25m² 30m²

450G (m² kits)

Do you need fibreglass for roofs?

Select one of our GRP Roof kits from the drop-down menu Sizes: 5m² -100m² Winter Use or summer use 

5m2  Flat Roof kit content 

1 x Fibreglass Flat Roofing Resin Base coat 10kg

1 x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 5kg

1 x GRP Fibreglass Woven Tape 75mm wide 175g

1 x Bucket 5.6 litre

2 x Bucket 11 litre

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 140mm x 21mm Dia.

2 x Plastic Handle Laminating Brush 75mm

1 x Push Fit Roller Arm 150mm (6")

2 x Roller Fluffy Refill 150mm

2 x Roller Topcoat Refill 150mm

1 x Roller Economy Fluffy Refill 75mm

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 500g

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 75mm x 21mm Dia.

1 x ResiRoof® Roller Economy Fluffy Frame 75mm

1 x Disposable gloves 50 pairs

See all kit contents below 

Introducing the GRP Flat Roof Kit 450G with Tools from Composite Roof Supplies - the perfect solution for your flat roof needs. This kit is designed to engage you in the process of installing a new fibreglass roof with ease and efficiency.

The GRP Flat Roof Kit 450G includes all the materials you need to install a high-quality fibreglass roof. The kit is made from top-quality materials and is designed to provide a strong and durable roof that can withstand even the harshest weather conditions. The fibreglass roofing kit amplifies the strength of the roof and converts it into a solid and long-lasting framework.

The benefits of installing a fibreglass roof are numerous. The material is waterproof, and UV resistant, providing a long-lasting solution for your roofing needs. The lightweight and flexible nature of fibreglass makes it easy to install and repair, saving you time and money in the long run.

Composite Roof Supplies is committed to providing you with the best roofing solutions on the market. With the GRP Flat Roof Kit 450G, you can be sure that you are getting a high-quality product that will provide you with the benefits of a strong and durable roof. Trust Composite Roof Supplies to provide you with a secure and reliable roofing solution.

Each kit is Bundled Together to help reduce the burden of calculating the correct quantities of material required. All CRS GRP kits have premium quality materials sourced and manufactured in the UK. Tried and tested over many years allows us to offer a Fibreglass Roof Kit designed to outlast many other flat roofing membranes. Each kit contains:

  • Base-Coat Resin,
  • Grey Topcoat
  • Mekp Catalyst
  • Quality-bound Fibreglass Matting
  • Woven Tape for joint reinforcement
  • User Guide
  • How to videos 

Important information

GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) roofing systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their durability, strength, and resistance to weathering and corrosion. It's important to note that these kits are designed for use on OSB (Orientated-Stranded Board) with Tongue & Groove Edge. OSB is a type of engineered wood product that is made from thin layers of wood that are bound together with adhesives. The tongue and groove edge refers to a system of interlocking edges on the OSB board that allows for a tight and secure fit when the boards are joined together. It's important to make sure that the surface on which the GRP kit is being installed is smooth, clean, and dry, and that the OSB board is properly secured to the substructure. Any gaps or unevenness in the OSB surface can affect the performance of the GRP roofing system, so it's important to make sure that the surface is properly prepared before installing the GRP kit. Another important aspect to keep in mind is that the GRP flat roofing system is designed for flat roofs, as the name implies. It's not suitable for pitched roofs and it's not recommended to use it on that kind of roof. Finally, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for installing the GRP kit, as well as any building codes and regulations in your area. This will ensure that the GRP roofing system is installed correctly and will perform as expected. The 50 Linear Metre Woven bandage is for use around the perimeter edges where the trims meet the roof decking. Additional Woven and Resin may be required and can be purchased separately Using Ply. Don't forget to prime the boards with extra Resin 0.3kg/m²

We 100% Guarantee all our kits contain the correct volumes of materials between 5 and 10% extra 

close up grp roofing
Fibreglass GRP Roofing Wall capping Trims 1.5metre

1x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

1 x Roofing Topcoat 10kg

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 1kg

1 x GRP Fibreglass Woven Tape 75mm wide 175g

1 x Premium Fibreglass Roof Resin (Base coat) 20kg

1 x Bucket 5.6 litre

1 x Bucket 11 litre

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 140mm x 21mm Dia.

2 x Plastic Handle Laminating Brush 75mm

1 x Push Fit Roller Arm 150mm (6")

2 x Roller Fluffy Refill 150mm

2 x Roller Topcoat Refill 150mm

2 x Roller Economy Fluffy Refill 75mm

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 75mm x 21mm Dia.

1 x ResiRoof® Roller Economy Fluffy Frame 75mm

1 x Disposable gloves 50 pairs

15m2 Flat Roof kit content 

 1x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

1 x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

1 x Roofing Topcoat 10kg

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 1kg

1 x GRP Fibreglass Woven Tape 75mm wide 175g

1 x Premium Fibreglass Roof Resin (Base coat) 20kg

1 x Bucket 5.6 litre

2 x Bucket 11 litre

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 140mm x 21mm Dia.

2 x Plastic Handle Laminating Brush 75mm

1 x Push Fit Roller Arm 150mm (6")

3 x Roller Fluffy Refill 150mm

2 x Roller Topcoat Refill 150mm

3 x Roller Economy Fluffy Refill 75mm

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 75mm x 21mm Dia.

1 x ResiRoof® Roller Economy Fluffy Frame 75mm

1 x Telescopic Extension Handle 840mm - 1400mm (2' - 4')

1 x Disposable gloves 50 pairs

20m2 Flat Roof kit content 

1 x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

1 x Fibreglass Flat Roofing Resin Base coat 10kg

1 x Roofing Topcoat 10kg

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 1kg

1 x GRP Fibreglass Woven Tape 75mm wide 175g

1 x Premium Fibreglass Roof Resin (Base coat) 20kg

1 x Bucket 5.6 litre

2 x Bucket 11 litre

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 140mm x 21mm Dia.

2 x Plastic Handle Laminating Brush 75mm

1 x Push Fit Roller Arm 150mm (6")

3 x Roller Fluffy Refill 150mm

2 x Roller Topcoat Refill 150mm

3 x Roller Economy Fluffy Refill 75mm

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 500g

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 75mm x 21mm Dia.

1 x ResiRoof® Roller Economy Fluffy Frame 75mm

1 x Telescopic Extension Handle 840mm - 1400mm (2' - 4')

1 x Disposable gloves 50 pairs

25m2 Flat Roof kit content 

1 x Fibreglass Flat Roofing Resin Base coat 10kg

1 x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

1 x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

1 x Roofing Topcoat 10kg

1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 5kg

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 1kg

1 x GRP Fibreglass Woven Tape 75mm wide 175g

1 x Premium Fibreglass Roof Resin (Base coat) 20kg

1 x Bucket 5.6 litre

2 x Bucket 11 litre

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 140mm x 21mm Dia.

3 x Plastic Handle Laminating Brush 75mm

1 x Push Fit Roller Arm 150mm (6")

3 x Roller Fluffy Refill 150mm

2 x Roller Topcoat Refill 150mm

3 x Roller Economy Fluffy Refill 75mm

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 500g

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 75mm x 21mm Dia.

1 x ResiRoof® Roller Economy Fluffy Frame 75mm

2 x Telescopic Extension Handle 840mm - 1400mm (2' - 4')

1 x Disposable gloves 50 pairs

30m2 Flat Roof kit content 

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 1kg

1 x GRP Fibreglass Woven Tape 75mm wide 175g

1 x Fibreglass matting 450g 1kg-33kg

2 x Premium Fibreglass Roof Resin (Base coat) 20kg

1 x GRP Roofing Topcoat 20kg

1 x Bucket 5.6 litre

3 x Bucket 11 litre

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 140mm x 21mm Dia.

3 x Plastic Handle Laminating Brush 75mm

1 x Push Fit Roller Arm 150mm (6")

4 x Roller Fluffy Refill 150mm

2 x Roller Topcoat Refill 150mm

4 x Roller Economy Fluffy Refill 75mm

1 x Winter Catalyst/Hardener 500g

1 x DECO Paddle Roller 75mm x 21mm Dia.

1 x ResiRoof® Roller Economy Fluffy Frame 75mm

1 x Telescopic Extension Handle 840mm - 1400mm (2' - 4')

1 x Disposable gloves 50 pairs



System Features

  • GRP components which are engineered to be used together.
  • Premium materials quality assured.
  • Low styrene emission CRS Resins.
  • UV resistant to extreme sunlight.
  • The GRP laminate is fully resistant to wind uplift
  • Anti slip resistant finish available ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Easy fit suitable for Trade & DIY use
  • ​​​​​​​Polyester Roofing Resin & Topcoat
  • ​​​​​​​450g/m² or 600g/m² Fibreglass matting.
  • ​​​​​​​50m by 75mm woven tape to bandage your trims to the deck.

Important Shipping & Delivery Information

Shipping Costs:
Most of our products come with free shipping. However, small items such as tools.

Long Items: 3 Metres trim- & related components incur a small surcharge and are shipped separately due to their unusual length.

Delivery Timescales:
Please refrain from contacting our Customer Support Team with requests for alternative or expedited shipping and delivery times.

Non-Working Days:
Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays are not considered working days.

Order Processing:
Orders placed after the 12pm cut-off time for a given product may not be processed for dispatch until 5pm the next working day.

Delivery is estimated between 1-3 working days

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